Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Stir Crazy

I am going bat shit crazy without running. My last run was Thursday. Today is day 5 of no running.

Yesterday I got the KT tape and last night I had Alan apply it to my knee. I didn't notice a difference as it doesn't hurt just walking around really. I am hoping though with the added support it will help it get better.

I am also going to try to run today on it. We'll see how that goes. I tried to just jog a little on it this morning when I took the dog out and figured it was less than 10 feet to go back inside. Yeah. Pain. So we'll see. I am just super bummed and really having cabin fever. I really need to get a good PAIN free run in to regain my sanity!

Also to add more insult to injury, I am semi partaking in Paula's excellence challenge for weight loss. I have to be the only person to gain 2lbs in 2 days while on a WEIGHT LOSS challenge! I tracked everything that I ate yesterday and I do see improvements. Basically I am eating way too many carbs than one really needs even when running miles and miles. Especially when I am not running I do not need that many carbs. So will be re-vamping my eating, and maybe adding more protein will aid in my healing faster as well. On the menu today, Chobani lemon yogurt (my fave!) Here is hoping to a better day today than the past few days and here is hoping to get a little teeny tiny run in today!

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