we have, so far, 21 inches of snow. The gym's aren't opening until 3pm due to the storm and I can't get out of my parking lot due to how much snow is there. I had to shovel the snow from around my car just to open my passenger door to get dog food out. AY AY AY. I figured it would be fun to hike through the snow with my snow mutt but it was too deep for the both of us. Like to my waist deep! Ridiculous. It's March, shouldn't spring be coming? Oh yeah, I forgot. I live in Vermont where spring doesn't come until like May!
Good thing I had a great run yesterday because I don't foresee me doing any workout or run or anything tonight. Unless around 4pm I get another great idea to run 13 miles spur of the moment!
To all my VTers drive safely. Or better yet, don't drive anywhere! Stay inside where it is warm and dry!
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