10 miles / 1:27:08
I had a great run today. I wasn't really planning on going as far as I did but it is just too nice outside to have not taken full advantage of it. I ran the first 1.5 miles down to Alan's office to pick up the worlds best running buddy, better known as Sirius Wiki and we headed down to the waterfront. He was so excited at the beginning but as usual he gets into his groove and we are set for the rest of the run.
I am definitely ready now for the great weather. I am also so glad that my knee is feeling so much better and that I am able to run in the nice weather. That was the one thing I was so bummed about when I wasn't running. I had run all through the winter in crapstastic weather and then just as things were starting to get a little nicer out, no running for me. I am glad that I didn't really miss all the godo weather!
I still don't feel like I am where I was before my injury but I don't feel like I lost everything that I had been working on. I still have 5 weeks left to build up my speed and to get a great time.