Monday, May 23, 2011

Speed and Wind

4.5 / 36:23

I tried to work on my speed today. However, the wind didn't cooperate. It was the windiest day I have ever seen in my life. I felt like I was running in the water or something there was so much resistance. I had every intention of doing my speed workout and then running and picking Sirius up from Alan's work, but I wore myself out just doing my speed work that I decided to bail on picking up Sirius. Yes, I fail at being a mom. Oh well. I think he will understand haha.

I think my speed work went well considering I also was fighting the wind. I tried to have all my splits under 8 but that just didn't happen however I was able to get an average pace of 8 so that is fine with me. I also, for the most part had all negative splits so I will take it.

Now I am at home, watching Glee and icing my knee. It is only hurting a little but I am afraid that I tweaked it and will be relaxing for the rest of the night!

I love Glee. Do you guys watch it?
It's on Netflix streaming right now and I am enjoying watching all the episodes again.

What do you need to work on the most for your runs? Speed, hills, endurance?
yes, yes and yes please! all three for me right now!

What are you guys doing for dinner tonight?
We are having left overs from last night. Chicken pot pie is the best the day after!

Ps. Thanks R4J (running for jack - I miss running mama RM was easier but I think I found a good substitute r4j haha) for talking me down from the edge and calling my bluff on my knee. I took the ice pack off and am foam rolling. R4J said that people who are in taper mode think they get injured but it is just the lack of endorphins. I did that a lot more than having a knee issue. Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. Love Glee!!!! I have a few DVRed. Don't you just love(hate) Sue Sylvester!

    I have the need, the need for speed!!! I just can't seem to give it my all during a race. I usually can sprint the final home stretch, but I should be digging down to give it more throughout!

    Dinner for me was a 6" Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki sandwich from Subway- what can I say, it was my turn to "cook".
